Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ford and Taylorism in
Questions: 1.Would workers in Australia, America or Europe accept the Taylorism in this form today? 2.Discuss about Thomas Friedman statement on Globalisation. Answers: 1.E-learning activities Taylorism is a production proficiency approach that breaks each activity, task, or assignment into little and straightforward sections which can be effectively broke down and taught. Presented in the mid twentieth century, Taylorism expects to accomplish greatest division of tasks to limit expertise necessities and employment learning time. It isolates execution of work from work-arranging and isolates coordinate work from indirect labor by replacing it with dependable guideline profitability measurements with exact estimations. It also presents time and movement study for ideal employment execution, cost accounting, device and work station design, and makes conceivable installment by-result strategy for wage assurance (Maier, 2007). However, when the methodology was implemented, it was an era of poor working conditions that prohibited employees from socializing during working hours. The circumstances were so bad that employees had to be permitted by their supervisors to answer calls of nature (YouTube, 2016). According to the video segment, it also shows that internal relations were not allowed as employees were expected to work without communicating with each other. Besides, workers who were members of labor unions were not allowed into the Ford Company and spies were employed to ensure that this was maintained (Maier, 2007). So would todays employees work under these conditions? The labor market today consists of different players namely, the employees, employers, trade unions and the government. Each of these parties have a crucial role in the job market that would make it challenging for the Taylorism approach to apply today. First, the government is responsible for regulating the basic wage rates which is a role that is reinforced by the trade unions (Littler, 2008). On the other hand, labor unions are actively involved in defending the rights of employees to ensure that their employers are not exploiting them. Companies today uphold employee relations limiting the applicability of Taylorism. Lastly, due to globalization and increased awareness of individual rights, employees can speak out where organizations have poor working conditions (Maier, 2007). As such, Taylorism would hardly work in Australia, Europe or America. Taking into consideration the designing of call centers, an element of Taylorism exists. Each employee responds to calls that are passed to them based on their expertise. This ensures that the customer receives appropriate feedback and customer care services. It also ensures that employees are qualified to undertake the task rather than answering call that are beyond their expertise. Since Taylorism aims to divide labor into smaller tasks that require limited expertise, Call centers have used this approach to design their scripts to ensure that information provided is given by an expert in the relevant field (Bain, et al., 2002). Today, globalization and technology are the leading trends that every nation seeks to uphold. As such, the clip on Taylorism may not be applicable in most countries since despite upholding division of labor, it advocated for poor working conditions and lack of employee relations. However, some ideas generated by this clip are quite applicable especially in third world countries. These states are characteristic by high levels of poverty, labor intensive industry and unskilled labor. As such the Taylorism approach would work. First the method advocates for division of tasks into smaller units in to ensure that workers assigned to these tasks can complete them (Littler, 2008). Since the people in third world counties are unskilled, this method would be applicable by reducing training time for employees and the time take to complete tasks. Secondly, as the states have labor intensive industries, this would ensure that a larger population is employed to reduce the dependency ratio. Howeve r, it is expected that the implementation of Taylorism in this nations would be faced by some barriers. Due to globalization, the advocating of employee rights has increased and spread all over the globe, therefore, not all elements of Taylorism may be upheld (Maier, 2007). 2.According to Friedman, the world is currently experiencing the third level of the first phase of Globalization 1.0, which started around 1492, the world went from an estimate extensive size to measure medium. In Globalization 2.0, the time that acquainted the universe with multinational organizations, it went from measure medium to an estimated tiny. And after that around 2000 began Globalization 3.0, where the world decreased from small to tiny. There's a distinction between having the capacity to make long separation telephone calls less expensive on the Internet and the ability to access any information via Google on a portable device anywhere. It's a distinction in degree that is so huge it turns into a distinction in kind (YouTube, 2008). Friedman has attributed the flattening of the globe to ten factors. First he identifies the fallen Berlin Wall that lead to the shift in world power towards the democracies. Secondly the development and actualization of the fiber-optic cables that has facilitated faster access to the internet and coordination among employees. Thirdly, open, out, in, and off-sourcing as some of the strategies that have increased efficiencies by utilizing the comparative advantages of different sources. Lastly, the use of wireless devices and in-forming allows people to access information despite the location. This has created awareness and eliminated the competitive advantage for most faculties. However those are not the main risks involved. Friedman argues that the spread of terrorism is one of the risks that the world faces due to globalization flattening. The ability to access information via the internet and hacking of personal devices has enabled terrorist groups to perpetuate their activities. I do agree with Friedmans iron rule of flat world. In his suggestion, Friedman identifies that with the current trend in globalization, competition no longer exist between countries nor companies, and it now prevails between a person and their imagination. As such, people should strive to be innovative and actualize ideas and concepts that have not be identified before (YouTube, 2008). While the risks of globalization and its benefits are argued by Friedman and his Critics, it is important to note that this trend is not uniform. The developed nation tend to experience more of globalization than the third world economies. Most of these nations still have high levels of illiteracy and poverty. Besides, these countries seeks to actualize democracy and the balance of power. Corruption is one of the problems that third world countries face. For such, globalization has not been experience in high levels (Dunning, 2014). Most of the companies incorporated in these economies are domestic and are dealing with foreign competition due to dumping. Secondly, access to basic amenities such as electricity and water has only been partially achieved. In relation to the developed countries, emerging and developing countries lack the capital-intensive industry and production is more of subsistence rather than mass production (Kumar, and Liu, 2005). Therefore, it is false to state tha t globalization is uniform. Conclusion Taylorism is an approach that entails the division of tasks into smaller units to increase efficiency and reduce employee training time. While this method could still be employed in labor intensive nations, the working conditions that exists around its structure are not recommended. On the other hand, globalization has reduced the world to tiny size where people are expected to compete with their imagination unlike when competition existed between nations and companies. References Bain, P., Watson, A., Mulvey, G., Taylor, P. and Gall, G., 2002. Taylorism, targets and the pursuit of quantity and quality by call centre management. New Technology, Work and Employment, 17(3), pp.170-185. Dunning, J.H., 2014. The Globalization of Business (Routledge Revivals): The Challenge of the 1990s. Routledge. Kumar, S. and Liu, D., 2005. Impact of globalisation on entrepreneurial enterprises in the world markets. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2(1), pp.46- Littler, C.R., 2008. Understanding taylorism. British Journal of Sociology, pp.185-202. Maier, C.S., 2007. Between Taylorism and Technocracy: European ideologies and the vision of industrial productivity in the 1920s. Journal of contemporary history, 5(2), pp.27-61. YouTube. 2016. Frederick Taylor Scientific Management. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2017]. YouTube. 2008. Thomas Friedman's Three Eras of Globalization. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2017]. YouTube. 2008. What Thomas Friedman means when he says "The World is Flat". [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2017].
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