Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reacton Paper for the movie “Boses”

Synopsis: Oboes is a tale of compassion, strength of the human spirit and the redeeming power of music. It tells the story of Nook, a 7-year-old victim of child abuse in the hands of his father. Rendered mute by a physical trauma that damaged his Larynx, Anonymously Duke), who lives with his father in a countryside village, Is rescued by police and taken to a shelter for battered children owned and run by the kindly Ms. Amanda(Cherry Pie Placate).HIS speech dillydally aggravated by the psychological burden of being kept away from his cruel father makes Nook despondent. One day, eyeing the other children taunting a man who lives in a house near the shelter, Nook becomes curious, especially as he later on hears violin music coming from the house. He soon discovers that the man is the violinist Ariel(Coke Ballista), the brother of Amanda who has abandoned his career as a concert violinist In Manila to live as a recluse, apparently In grief and guilt over the death of his woman Blanch(Me rely Syrians).Nook's fascination with violin music leads him to Investigate around Riel's house when it is empty. Sensing the boys interest, Ariel in time subtly manages to encourage Nook to try the violin, and soon discerns a prodigy in the timid boy. A friendship very gently blossoms between the recluse and the battered child, until the boy is ripe for a recital to be witnessed by his father. Reaction: Oboes Is a film which speaks to us a good message of hope despite of a tragic history and how music can change a life of someone.The message which was communicated through excellent direction, fine portrayals, and beautiful music was clear enough to let ourselves be aware of what is really happening around us and be enlightened in mimes of great darkness. The film has several sensitive topics and I'm impressed of how the way they treated these topics. It made the film worthy of being acclaimed. Child abuse Is the main issue that was shown in the movie – on doing harsh actions and making a child a human ashtray – and the worst was, by a parent Itself. The parents have no right to hurt their child Just because they are the parents.Parents are ought to teach moral and good things to their children. Of course, It is not right to make violence at a child's eyes because that could result to another violence, or rose, because of the boys early age, they are already poisoning his innocent mind which is really unfair. And the sad part is that they give the child a life full of fears, traumas and distress which steals the confidence and trust of the boy to himself and the world. Instead of having protection and care which every child ought to have,they create only something that a child can fear.They are depriving the freedom of the child. Sexual harassment was also one issue though it was not really shown in the film. It was actually Shirley story wherein she said the line â€Å"†¦ Anon aka in tatty†. It was really alarming because the one who molested her was her own father. And very distressing to think that she was only five, six or seven years old. Like sexual harassment which was not totally highlighted in the film but still has a great impact child abuse. It's illegal because it is a crime; equivalent to killing and stealing a life of a person. More than that, It is a mortal sin.Sexual harassments, abortion, live-in, pre- marital sex, and suicide were the sensitive topics Eve found out. These are only little tails in the story but still important. Though some weren't given emphasis but still supports the story which makes it worthwhile. The biggest lesson that I got was to keep the faith and hope despite the ruthlessness of life. Nook had lots of scars, both physical and emotional. Beaten by his father, tortured and forced him to eat as in forcing the spoon into his mouth. But at the end, he was able to get back his trust in the world and live a new life.Same as Ariel who was in sorrow and loneliness because of the death of the one that he loves, at the end, he mound the comfort and restored his spirit. And who says that bad people don't have the chance to be good? Of course they have like in the situation of Mans Marcelo (Risky Dave) who at the end was very sorry for the unkindness he had to his son. Basically, the film offers us hope in every problem that we face and might face in the future. Music has a very important role in the story because it is the instrument that healed both Ariel (Coke) and Nooks Aeolian) wounds of the past.Though it leave them scars but scars are physically not painful anymore. Through music, we can express what we feel in a more peaceful and beautiful way. As a music lover, I truly believe on how music can transform lives. Basically, Oboes is a very sensible story and I agree to that. Doses, speaks to us the voice of the children asking freedom from the chains of violence and abuse; crying and shouting out loud but never heard; seeking for themselves that was stol en from them; and the voice which may not be in the form of words, but in the form of something where they can find, somehow, a relief.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Health Care Information Systems Essay

Health Care Information Systems Terms Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook. After you define each term, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Include at least two research sources to support your position—one from the University Library and the other from the textbook. Cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines. |Term |Definition |How It Is Used in Health Care | |Health Insurance Portability and |This is a federal law that was passed in |HIPAA is used in Health care to help keep | |Accountability Act |1996 that will protect the continuousness |patient information private and secure. | | |of health coverage when a patient changes |HIPPA ensures that all patient health | | |or loses their job which can limit the |information is being stored in a secure | | |health plan exclusions for preexisting |location and only authorized staff should | | |medical conditions that require the patient|be able to access this information. If this| | |medical information to be kept private and |information is not protected the health | | |secure. |care organization can face fines and | | | |penalties (Wager,, Lee,, Glaser,, & Burns,,| | | |2009). This term will be applied to the | | | |whole health care facility. | |Electronic medical record  |Is an electronic record of a patient’s |The electronic medic al record will be used | | |health related information which can be |in the health care setting each and every | | |created, gathered, and managed by |time the patient visits the health care | | |authorized clinicians and staff within the |organization. This is how providers are | | |health care organization. |able to keep up with the services and | | | |procedures that patients receive every time| | | |they are seen by a provider. This term will| | | |be used I billing and coding and | | | |departments as well as medical records that| | | |may need to check patient status or | | | |allergies. | |Electronic health record |Is an electronic record of health related |The electronic health record is a record | | |information on an individual that conforms |that can be seen at multiple health care | | |to nationally recognized health information|facilities at one time. When this | | |standards and that can be created, managed,|information is sent to different providers | | |and revised by authorized staff in more |it is encrypted in the event someone that | | |than one location. |is not authorized has access to it they | | | |will not get patient information that | | | |should be private. | |Personal health record |Is an electronic record of health related |Personal health record is the health  record| | |information on a patient. This information |of the patient which the patient has | | |can come from different facilities that |control over. The patient can get health | | |the patient may have been seen at. And the |information from different providers and | | |information can be managed, shared, and |share this information as they see fit. The| | |controlled by the patient. |personal health record may have some health| | | |information that the patient may feel the | | | |new provider does not need to see in order | | | |to treat them. This will be for the patient| | | |to disclose with the provider and then the | | | |provider may add this information to the | | | |patients chart. | |Computerized provider order entry system |Is a system that allows users to |This computerized provider entry system | | |electronically write orders, maintain the |lets providers monitor the patient’s | | |online medication administration record, |medication distribution. Providers and | | |and go over changes made to an order by |authorized staff are able to write | | |authorized personnel. |prescriptions for patients and track | | | |previous prescriptions. Providers will be | | | |able to see how long it’s been since they | | | |filled a p rescription for a patient. This | | |  |will be applied at the health care | | | |organization. | |Unique patient identifier |Is a system that uses information such as |The unique patient identifier lets | | |the patient’s date of birth to create a |provider’s look at patient health care | | |unique code that is reported instead of the|information without having to use patient | | |patient’s name. |personal information to identify them. This| | | |helps the organization stay in compliance | | | |since according to HIPAA all patient | | | |information must be secure and kept | | | |private. This will be used any place in the| | | |health care organization where a patient’s | | | |chart will need to pulled or looked up. | |Protected health information |Is any identifiable health information. |Protected health information is the | | |Individually identifiable health |patient’s personal information such as date| | |information is that which can be linked to |of birth social sec urity number and even | | |a particular person such as date of birth, |their address where they reside. This | | |address, and social security number. |information needs to be in a secure | | | |location at all times. The data entry | | | |person will have access to this information| | | |as well as the billers and coders in a | |  | |health care organization. | |Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |Is a federal agency within the United |The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid | | |States Department of Health and Human |Services set the pace on how and what other| | |Services that administers the Medicare |insurance companies will be expected to | | |program and work in Medicaid. |cover depending on the patients plan. This | | | |will be used all over the health care | | | |facility to make sure everyone is always in| | | |compliance with state and federal laws. | |Covered entities |Is three specific groups including health |With covered entities this will apply to | | |plans, health care, clearinghouses, and |anyone who is authorized to access patient | | |health care providers that transmit health |information and is sharing patient health | | |information electronically. |with other parties inside and outside of | | | |the health care organization. Is | | | |information is used inappropriately the | | | |health care organization will be | | | |responsible and could face penalties and | | | |fines. | |Health information exchange |Is the process of sharing electronic health|Health information exchange can happen when| | |information between health care |two health care organizations or facilities| | |organizations. When sharing this |need to share information about a patient | | |information staff should make sure they are|(Morrisey, 2011). Depending on how the | | |sharing in a way that will protect the |information is sent it must be encrypted so| | |confidentiality and privacy of the patient.|hackers are able to identify the | | | |information being transferred. | | | | | | | | | References Morrisey, J. (2011). Health Information Exchange. Retrieved from 812 Wager,, K., Lee,, F.W., Glaser,, J.P., & Burns,, L.R. (2009). Health Care Information Systems. A Practical Approach for health Care Management (2nd ed.). Retrieved from .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Article Analysis Essay Example for Free (#3)

Article Analysis Essay This article gives us an insight on whether how a society in a specific country especially like of China can have a say on what their government is doing especially on projects that in return might have an effect on their lives, and also giving added revenue to their government and at the same time protecting the lives of their citizens. Even the social activist like Xue ye of the Beijing – based Friends of Nature had stated that â€Å"We are weak, but we have a chance. He already knew that it would be hard for them to convince the villagers around the place where there is a project or a construction that has to be created by the government. There may be some factors, which may take effect if the projects will continue. That is why it must be thoroughly evaluated first by all sectors before they allow it to pursue. They must not think on the benefits alone upon the relocation but through a lifetime perspective too. It is not only their future but also for the future generation of their country. The whole article is a depiction of social construction regarding the issue of trade and industry. There are different evidences and justifications that the author has redeemed. He also stated his own opinion and ideologies regarding the issue, which somehow important to the whole article because it will state the stand of the author in representation of the society based on the evidences that were found and researched. From all of this, the whole article shows the facts and data exist within the situation will state its own ideologies and perceptions of the social realization. It means that the author has its own depiction of truth and accuracy of facts and data that he has stated whether it is for or against the authorities of the society. (Author). (Date). Power to the People. (Publisher) Article Analysis. (2017, Feb 23).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Drug Courts in the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drug Courts in the US - Research Paper Example This research paper aims at compiling a report on the effectiveness of drug courts in the United States. Brooklyn treatment court is among the largest drug courts in New York. This court documented the effectiveness of drug courts in reforming drug offenders struggling with addiction. It is documented that this court views drug offenders as individuals struggling with a chronic disease and not as a moral breakdown viewed by the judicial system. This court comes up with bands of treatment that have measurements of success used in evaluating the progress of the offender. Though the offenders upon release often come back with similar charges, the court views relapse as inevitable in any offender being rehabilitated from drug. The court reports that since the intervention measures adopted in drug courts are situation specific and contextualized their effectiveness in reforming the offenders is inevitable (Dorf & Sabel, 2000). Consequently, effectiveness of drug courts in the United States is also documented in the Belenko’s study. From his study of drug courts, it is reported that drug courts reported higher retention rates as they emphasized a more closer and comprehensive framework and supervision with the offenders. The drug testing which evidenced reduced levels in subsequent visits evidenced this. In addition, drug courts aided in judicial saving since there was reduces jail and prison use (Belenko, 2003). Subsequently, drug courts have been documented to reduce criminality. This is attributed to the fact that the offenders are under the strict supervision of their supervisors and have to report to the court. This reduces the chances for them to engage in criminal activities. It is documented that the main aim of any correction strategy is to reduce the rate of recidivism. Drug courts have been documented to be effective since they have been documented to reduce the rate of recidivism with a substantial margin (Weiman, 2007). Members of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Macroeconomics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Macroeconomics - Term Paper Example It is therefore that investment that is made to obtain the lasting interest in a business that operates in an economy as opposed to that of the investor’s voice of having direct influence in the management. According to the United Nations World Investment report, Foreign Direct Investment is defined as an investment that involves relationship and a reflection of control of the foreign direct investor in an enterprise in a foreign affiliate. Long term differentiates FDI’s from the portfolio investments which are on a short term basis with insecurities turnover. It is no doubt that foreign direct investment acts as a catalyst for the economic transformation in a myriad of economies across the globe. One of the major benefits of foreign direct investment is that it provides finance for the acquisition of capital goods. It also facilitates the transfer of technology from relatively more advanced economies to less developed ones. It also results into the positive spillovers to the continental economy through various linkages with the local supplies, imitation, competition. However, it can also result into negative spillovers and therefore deteriorates growth in a country. This will make people fear from investing in the country given that it is possible of loosing. With the benefits stated, there has been an upsurge in the demand especially over the last two decades. Although the demand has increased, there has been a variation between and within regions. Up to 1980, the Caribbean and Latin America were the largest recipients of the FDIs. The situation changed in late 1980’s with the appetite being diverted to the Pacific and Asia countries. UNCTAD 2000) The two regions catered for the 85% of the FDIs injected to the developing countries. By 1998 Pacific received 46.3%, Latin America and the Caribbean 39% Central and Eastern Europe 10.2%, Africa 4.5% and Asia 2% of the total FDIs. A number of factors have influenced the distribution and the volu me of FDIs especially in developing economies. Some of these factors includes; political stability, favorable government regulatory policies, low level of corruption, low administrative costs, presence of good business environment, skilled labor force, physical infrastructure, interest rate, productivity and the cost of labor. The below section of the paper will focus on some of the circumstances under which foreign Domestic Investments can lead to a vicious cycle of economic development. Some of these factors are as discussed below; Stability in the financial system The development of a stable financial system of the recipient country is a necessary precondition for any FDI so as to influence growth and development in a country. A financial system which is developed will be more beneficial to the economy as opposed to less developed one. When the financial system is developed then it will be easy technological fusion in the economy. FDIs require enhanced financial system since the composition of inflows of foreign resources which raises domestic savings requires proper systems and therefore easy match in the economy. Finances which are entailed in the injection can also include the purchases which are made by the foreign direct investors, new investment of the profits by the foreign investment enterprises from the parent firm; they may

Monday, August 26, 2019

Health and Safety 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health and Safety 4 - Essay Example The conditions outlined above may not originally be there, but may happen during work being carried out. These situations may include grinders giving off dust, welding causing fumes, or escape becoming difficult due to equipment already installed within the space, making escape in case of an emergency difficult. a) Risk assessments that require specialist knowledge. In terms of a construction project, different levels of skill are required to carry out different complexities of tasks. This hierarchy of complexities extend to risk assessment as well as subsequent mitigation as well. In large and complex projects, the CDM coordinator himself has to have the relevant skills and experience to judge where professionals and experts with specialized knowledge would need to be called in to assess the possible vulnerabilities of a particular task, and to help in reducing risks associated with it. For example, electrical risks, mining risks, financial risks in large projects, all require experts in those fields to help the project steer through the potential problems caused by lapses. Specialist knowledge allows these experts to design the risk management procedures to specifically deal potential problems in tasks related to their fields. It also recommended to have these experts on board while these tasks are being carried out, to make sure of the best decision making capabilities in the field if required in times of

The Corporate Strategy of Metro in the Canadian Market Research Paper

The Corporate Strategy of Metro in the Canadian Market - Research Paper Example The corporate level strategy is the overall or board strategies that the company has adopted. However, the business level strategy is the specific strategy that the company has implemented in order to achieve competitive advantage. Metro has applied a cost leadership strategy and the company is highly focused on reducing its overall costs so that they can offer goods to the customers at lower prices. Strategic models have been used to analyze the internal and external environment of the company. SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five forces model have been used to analyze the market conditions. SWOT analysis highlights the company has several strengths and there are opportunities in the market that Metro can capitalize. However, it is important for Metro to work on its weaknesses and take steps to reduce the impact of the threats that the company faces to further improve its position in the country. Porter five forces define the bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of supp liers, intensity of competition, threats from new entrants and threats from substitute products that Metro faces. At the end of the report gives a brief conclusion about the strategies of Metro and how the company can expand its operations and improve its profitability in the years to come. The strategy is defined as the plan of actions that the firm has set in order to achieve its targets or objectives or vision or mission (Johnson, & Scholes, 2001). Every organization operates with a target or with a mission and it is important for the management to formulate strategies that would lead to the accomplishment of these targets or mission (Bartlett, and Ghoshal, 1991). Mission and vision of the company are the tools that are used to motivate the employees and management and motivation to work would only arise if there is a mission to be achieved (Porter, 1980). However, it is important to have strategies that would make sure the efforts are put in the right direction. If a company doe s not have a proper strategy, then despite hard work and efforts from the employees, the company might not be able to reach its destination (Lee, and Carter, 2010). Managing a business has become complex today. With the increasing complexities of the external environment and organizations now need to be more focused and analyze their external environment carefully as well as regularly (Schroiff, and Arnold, 2004). By analyzing the external environment, an organization is able to identify factors that could influence their operations and profitability (Doole, and Lowe, 2008). Organizations can only plan and formulate their strategies if these factors are identified. Proper planning and careful formulation of strategies would allow firms to improve their earnings and achieve growth. This report will analyze one of the leading grocery stores in Canada, Metro. Metro is the food retailer operating in two major provinces of Canada; Quebec and Ontario. The company has its headquarters in M ontreal, Canada. The company has been growing despite increasing competition in the market.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

SEC 10-K annual report for Nike Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

SEC 10-K annual report for Nike Inc - Essay Example The company adopted its â€Å"Swoosh† logo in 1971. Dramatic growth of the company started with the signing of Michael Jordan and the launch of the Air Jordan brand in 1985. The company revenues have grown at 8.2% CAGR in the last 10 years while the profits have grown at 23.1% CAGR (Gibbs, 2012). Athletic footwear made up 64% of Nike’s products business in 2012 and sports apparel 30%. Branded equipment made up the remaining 6%. The global footwear industry is projected to grow from $ 185 billion in 2011 to $ 211 billion in 2018. Athletic footwear is expected to be about one-third of this market (PR Web, 2012). The sports apparel market is expected to grow in the same period from $ 122 billion to $ 190 billion (TREFIS, 2010). Nike’s market share in both markets is expected to grow over the next five years as shown in the charts below which should make Nike an even stronger market leader in its industry (Guenette, 2013). 2. Analysis of Nike Financial Reports The th ree key financial reports to be examined are the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow statement. A summary of these three statements made from the company’s 10-K filing for the fiscal year ended 31 May 2012 has been included in this report. 2.1 Analysis of the Income Statement A summary of the Income Statement is shown below (Nike Annual Report, 2012, p 41). Income Statement ( in $ million)    2012 2011 2010 Revenues 24,128 20,862 19,014 Cost of Sales 13,657 11,354 10,214 Gross Profit 10,471 9,508 8,800 Gross Margin % 43.4% 45.6% 46.3% Marketing Expense 2,711 2,448 2,356 Other overheads 4,720 4,245 3,970 Total SG & A 7,431 6,693 6,326 SGA / Revenue % 30.8% 32.1% 33.3% Interest expense 3 4 6 Other expenses/ (income) 54 (33) (49) Income before Tax 2,983 2,844 2,517 Tax expense 760 711 610 Net Income 2,223 2,133 1,907 Net Income / Revenue % 9.2% 10.2% 10.0% The company revenues have grown 16% in 2012 over 2011 which were 10% higher than the previous year (Nike Annual Report, 2012, pp 18-20). This growth shows that Nike is gaining market share as the total markets are only growing at around 2% a year. Nike’s main competitor Adidas had revenues of â‚ ¬ 11.88 million ($ 15.6 billion) in 2012, a growth of 11.7% over 2011 (Adidas Annual Report, 2012, p 190). The Gross Margin has decreased by about 300 basis points over the two years to 43.4% and this has been attributed by the company management to increases in input costs, higher import taxes in some countries and discounts on close-out sales (Nike Annual Report, 2012, p 21). Adidas has had significantly higher gross margins at 47.7% in 2012 and 47.5% in 2011 (Adidas Annual Report, 2012, p 190). The decline in gross margin for Nike has been offset by reduced SG&A costs and the net income in 2012 has only declined 80 basis points compared to 2010. For Adidas the SG&A costs are much higher than Nike at 41.3% in 2012 and 41.8% in 2011 resulting in a net income of 5.3 % in 2012 9 (excl uding â‚ ¬ 265 million Goodwill write-off) compared to 4.6 % in 2011. 2.2 Analysis of the Balance Sheet The Nike balance sheet as of 31 May is given only for two years 2011 and 2012 in their Annual Report and is summarized below. a) Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) The Capital Employed in Nike’s operations is the total of the non-current assets in the balance sheet and the working capital made up of inventories and accounts receivables less

Saturday, August 24, 2019

"favourite university experience moment to date" Essay

"favourite university experience moment to date" - Essay Example one written by Socrates and the other one he had written in the late 1990s and the essence of liberties and inner human understanding (Alder et al 134). I produced my notebook and pen and started to write important points that came from him. One of the enduring lessons he told us during the lecture was that the inner self was an integral component of human existence that would lead us everywhere. Prof. Gregory advised the class to always strive for internal motivation when pursuing all human endeavours such as career and love. I always consider the most favourite because after that, I started working on a project of book writing that I had always postponed for a long time. Additionally, I started believing in myself because he told the class self-confidence and self-esteem were vital instruments of excellence in the world. Before he left, he posed to the class: who does not want to be

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Surrealism of Salvador Dali Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Surrealism of Salvador Dali - Essay Example The essay "The Surrealism of Salvador Dali" focuses on the surrealistic art of Salvador Dali. Surrealism was born in the period between World War I and World War II, 1919-1939. When we look at Dal’s work during this period, we can see the beginning of a thoughtful contemplation on surrealism. One of the most convenient places to readily access Dali’s body of work is the online site called Virtual Dali. At this web site one can access the works through the organized periods of the artist’s work: 1910-1927; 1951-1959; 1960-1972; 1972-1983. So when we say that the period to 1919-1939 reflected a thoughtfulness on the subject of surrealism, it was perhaps because many of the works from that period are portraiture that appears caught between cubism – introduced by Pablo Picaso between 1907-1914 - and surrealism, although some of the themes that we see in works like Saltimbanques has some of the recurring elements that we find in later Dali surrealism. In Saltim banques we see familiar figures from later works in familiar poses, but not in the state of surrounding surrealism. Still, it was clear that surrealism was on Dali’s mind, and if a community was represented by surrealism, a philosophy, then these early works demonstrates that Salvador Dali was leaning towards the surrealist community, exploring his own like-mindedness with the community. Pierrot Playing the Guitar is almost as if the artist is still mired in the muck between cubism and what would become his own specialty in surrealism.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Canadian Wood Toys INC. Essay Example for Free

Canadian Wood Toys INC. Essay I will begin by highlighting the importance of the audit in assessing the risk and identifying the steps in reducing and mitigating the risk that our company is facing. The impact of the risks on global business it is dramatic in our days, changing the entire look of the industries and financial services. Some risks could be anticipated and identified but some could not. Companies now are using more and more key steps and principles to better manage the risks by; *** identifying the risks relevant to the organization *** assess the significance and implications of those risks to the business *** identify and establish a process for collaboration on risk mitigation with other organizations and partners *** integrate Enterprise Risk Management into the organization *** focus resources on key risks in order to achieve the organization’s objectives (Source – PricewaterhouseCoopers – effective ERM) Under IAA Standard 2120 – Risk Management: â€Å"The internal audit activity must evaluate the effectiveness and contribute to the improvement of risk management processes. † Practice advisory 2120.C1 states: –â€Å"During consulting engagements, internal auditors must address risk consistent with the engagement’s objectives and be alert to the existence of other significant risks. In manufacturing companies, production is usually the most important aspect of the entire process mostly due to the high cost incurred, the staffing and the complexity of the departments involved – Production is of vital concern to management because of the important risks associated with the process. I have identified some of the most important risks and how to manage the risks to minimize the impact. Along with the  production process, other areas can be identified as posing risks; distribution, finance, human resources †¦ I have identified below some of the risks with the highest impact in our company: KEY RISKSMITIGATON (examples) The risk of manufacturing defective or substandard products Determine the cause of the quality defect (human error or machine) Trend analysis reports to address the recurrence of the defects The risk of missing deadlines for toys deliveries at Christmas time Review the production scheduling to agree with the specific job orders to avoid overproduction of toys that are not scheduled for delivery The risk of labor insecurity; potential strikes Review labor contracts and minimum wage government regulations; negotiations with union and labor boards The risk of unknown competition on international markets Use various econometric and statistical analysis to monitor the movement of market interest The risk of foreign exchange Use a foreign exchange contract Accept payment in one currency only (US) Hedging of foreign exchange Risk of unanticipated or sudden changes in regulations, codes or standards in regards to the exploitation of the wood and equipment and machineries used The company has to be actively involved in the development of regulations, codes and standards to further improve the safety of the equipment The risk of damage to ecology, scenery – due to over exploitation of forestry Use environmental mitigation programs able to protect and restore the forest Government fire protection programs The risk of accidents in the process of transportation of the logs Regular monitoring of the vehicles Checking drivers hours of work – implementing special schedule of hours Risk of loss of licensing for cutting and harvesting the trees Renewal in advance of the licenses, request from government of auditing the harvesting areas The risk of logging and lumbering fire damage and vehicle damage Forestry and timber Insurance that focuses on logging and lumbering, sawmills, automobiles and equipment The risk related to the liquidity and payment schedules which could lead to credit losses Establish rules for tendering, levels of approval authority and rules for credit control The risk of reporting erroneous financial information for internal and external decision Use external appraisers to evaluate fair value of assets and properties Senior managers should assess their financial reports to determine when they require estimates based on significant judgment; And ensure that independent expertise is applied in deriving the reports The risk mitigation step involves development of mitigation plans designed to manage, eliminate, or reduce risk to an acceptable level. Once a plan is implemented, it is continually monitored to assess its efficacy with the intent of revising the course-of-action if needed. I would like to reiterate as stated in the IAA Standards that the organization should fully understand that management remains responsible for risk management. As Internal auditors, we should provide advice, and challenge or support managements decisions on risk, as opposed to making risk management decisions. Below are some of the responsibilities that will not fall under the audit team: †¢ Setting the risk appetite. †¢ Imposing risk management processes. †¢ Management assurance on risks. †¢ Taking decisions on risk responses. †¢ Implementing risk responses on managements behalf. †¢ Accountability for risk management. Question 4 MEMO To: Director of Internal audit Department From: †¦. Assistant Director Internal audit Date: October 06, 2014 CC: As requested, I have prepared a plan for auditing the division of Student Services as part of the Central College Institution. I will detail 6 steps in the audit process but firstly I want to highlight the Standard 2200, Practice Advisory 2200-1 that states the requirements for the engagements planning and outlines the steps. â€Å"Internal auditors must develop and plan for each engagement, including the engagement’s objectives, scope, timing and resource allocations†. â€Å"The Internal auditor plans and conducts the engagement, with supervisory review and approval† 1. The first step is: To obtain specific knowledge of the unit to be audited. In this stage of the process we will gather and review the specific documentation that will help us getting more familiar with the division of food service – residential and campus. Some of the documents we will be reviewing: The annual budget; we have information about how much the overall budget is (8.9mil.); need to know how much is allocated to the food service program and how is spent. Policies and procedures Previous internal audit papers and reports List of the staff; org charts Contracts with food suppliers Documented projects and how the implementation process took place Upon reviewing of the documents we will be able to assess the problems that incurred; it will help us identify any managerial mistakes, any miscommunication between suppliers and management; if there is enough staffing 2. The second step in the audit plan is to: Establish the audit objectives and the scope of the audit. At this stage we need to review all the activities involving food service program step by step. This is to identify areas of weakness, why there are negative reviews; why there is such a small budget allocated to such important segment in the student’s activity in the campus. Also we will be  able to identify whether the appropriate policies and procedures were followed. Is the part time staff working in the 6 food service facilities skilled for the specific job they do? Why there is only part time staffing and no full time jobs; if there are enough employees considering the large division of food service included 6 cafeterias and restaurants plus residential food service. 3. The following step is: The audit methodology. In this stage of the audit process we will be able to gather additional information by interviewing individuals involved in all aspects of the student services division. We will be asking questions in order to determine if there are possible weaknesses that can have a major impact of the effectiveness of the operating and managing the 6 restaurants and cafeterias as well as the residential food service. We will be interviewing the part time staff about the schedule they have, if there are any complaints, if there is enough coverage at specific time of the day i.e. morning and lunch for the cafeterias and the restaurants. We will be interviewing the students and teachers about the hours of operation of the locations of the food service – they should be open late and they are actually closing early. We will be asking questions about the meal plans and find out if there is anything to improve on 4. The next step is: Determine the audit criteria. This very important step in the audit program will help us identify some of the criteria we can use in order to better assess the practices in the food service division. Budgeting The food service division must have a well established budget and a cost control in place and overseen by qualified staff. Price Management There should be a price verification policy in place to manage better the price of meals provided by the restaurants and the cafeteria – in comparison to other food providers around the campus (beat the price) Staffing there must be a criteria that analyze and conform with the labor standards –  achieve and surpass the minimum wage for the part time employees Food Quality and diversity there should be put in place a more divers meal plan based on the requirements and suggestions from the customers (students –divers ethnicity) new standards for nutritional meals are put in place and need to be followed Food locations management the standards for cleanliness and sanitation that are put in place need to be followed surveys will be handed out or on line surveys to measure the customer satisfaction 5. The following step is: Preparing staffing plans and time budgets At this stage in the audit plan we are dealing with establishing the budget necessary to accomplish the audit scope and the staff required to accomplish the plan in a timely manner. Since we are dealing with specifics in food industry – we have identified areas where there is not enough expertise from our team; therefore we require an additional external consultant (possible a nutritionist that possess the necessary knowledge). For the satisfaction survey we will be using the expertise of the actual marketing staff from the service department to create and implement the survey. 6. The next step is: Communication with management Subsequently, the audit plan needs to be discussing with the management. We will set up time for a meeting with the management to discuss the details over the purpose of the audit. We need to discuss further about the time allocated to the audit plan and go over each proposal for the relevant criteria that was chosen. In the meeting we will highlight the importance of the management active contribution and support to the audit process.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Network Security Essay Example for Free

Network Security Essay Firewall:- A firewall is a software program or a piece of information that help screen out hackers, virus, worms and Trojan horse that try to reach to your computer over the internet. If you use a computer at home the most efficient and important step to help your computer to protect by turning on your firewall. If you have a more than one computer connects in home. It is important to protect every computer. You should have a hardware firewall (such as router) to protect your network, but you should also use software firewall on each computer to prevent the spread of virus your network. If your computer is a part of business, you should follow the policy established by network administrator. How it works:- When your firewall protection is turned on, everything that goes in and out of the network is monitored. The firewall monitors allows ‘good data’ in and block ‘bad data’ from entering your network. Firewall uses one or combination of the following method to control the traffic in and of the network:- 1) Packet filtering:- The most basic form of firewall software uses pre-determined rules to create different filters. If an incoming packet of data (small chunk of data) is flagged by the filters, it is not allowed through. Packets that make it through the filters are sent to requesting system and all others are discarded. 2) Proxy services:- A proxy service is an application that acts as an intermediary between systems. Information from the internet is received by the firewall and sent to the requesting system and vice versa.   Proxy server operates at the application layer of firewall, where both ends of the connection are forced to conduct session through the proxy. They operate by creating and running a process on the firewall that mirrors a service as if it were running on the host end, and thus centralize all the information transfer to the firewall for scanning. 3) Stateful inspection:- The most modern method of firewall scanning that does not rely on memory intensive examination is ‘Stateful inspection’. A Stateful firewall  holds significant attributes of each connection of trusted information for the duration of session. These attributes which are collectively known as state of the connection may include ip addresses, ports involved in the network and number of packets being transferred. Types:- There are two types of firewall that are as follows:- Hardware firewall. Software firewall. 1) Hardware firewall:- Hardware firewall built into the device such as routers and can protect every single machine on a network and require little configuration for efficient work. They mostly use packet filtering technique to examine the header of the packet, determining source and destination, then comparing the data to a set of predefine rules, they decide whether to ignore the packet or forward to the next step or to its final destination. 2) Software firewall:- Software firewalls are the most popular protection method for home users. They usually come as standalone applications or as a part of complete antivirus protection software. That is why it is mostly used in personal network. Antivirus such as bull guard provides besides providing protection for inbound and outbound traffic. A software firewall also protects against worms and Trojan horses. The software firewall must be regularly protected to keep up the latest technology updates and provides effective protection. NOTE:- Each type has advantages and disadvantages, ranging from ease of implementation to high initial cost. Companies should use the firewall as part of overall information security program that includes data integrity, application integrity and data confidentiality and authentication.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Freuds concepts and their value for contemporary psychology

Freuds concepts and their value for contemporary psychology Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is well known as the founder of psychoanalysis in psychiatry and is thought of by many as a key figure in psychology. Throughout his work Freud came up with numerous concepts and theories, many of which still cause a lot of debate amongst psychologists. In this essay I will discuss some of Freuds key concepts including; development of personality, personality structures and defence mechanisms. After which I will attempt to assess their significance in modern psychology and conclude whether or not I believe Freuds concepts are of value to contemporary psychology and if we should continue to look into his work. One key concept developed by Freud is the development of personality. He came up with five distinct stages, known as the psychosexual stage, to describe how our personalities develop from birth to about 18 years of age. He places particular emphasis on the development of sexual drives and how this shapes our personalities. Furthermore, each stage has a region, known as the erogenous zone, where the libidinal energy is focused. The five stages are: Oral stage (birth one year old), in this stage Freud (1901) suggests that events around feeding are the focal point of pleasure for the infant, the erogenous zone includes the lips, mouth and tongue (Maltby, Day and Macaskill; 2007). Anal stage (1year -2 years), Freud believed that bowel movement gives the baby sensual pleasure, also at this stage the child is rewarded for bladder and bowel control (Maltby et al., 2007). The anal region becomes the new erogenous zone. Phallic stage (3 years -5 years), at this stage the child starts to mature physiologically and the libidinal energy is transferred to genital region (new erogenous zone). At this stage gratification is gained from masturbation (Maltby et al., 2007). Freud thought that girls experienced what he called penis envy as they become aware that boys have penises and the do not. In addition, boys become sexually aware of their mother and start to view their father as a sexual rival (and experience castration anxiety fear of losing their penis), this is known as the Oedipal complex. Latency stage (5 years -12 years) can be seen as a resting period of the psychosexual stage. Social interactions are most important in this stage, children develop friendships with same sexed peers, as well as, identifying with the same sexed parent (Maltby et al., 2007) resulting in socialisation of gender roles. Genital stage (12 years +) as this stage puberty begins, which reawakens the libidinal energy, resulting in a more mature sexual attachment, in normal development the main sexual objects are members of the opposite sex (Maltby et al., 2007). Freud also developed the idea of personality structures. He identifies three personality structures that develop in every person, these are the; ID (present from birth), EGO and superEGO (these two form later on in development). The ID is the primitive, pleasure seeking part of the personality, it strives for immediate gratification (i.e. I want X and I want it now!). The EGO plays an important role as the mediator and is the rational aspect of our personalities (i.e. You will find a way to get X, just be patient). Finally the superEGO is the moral, guilt driven side of the personality which then becomes our conscience (i.e. You cant have X because its wrong). And finally I will talk about defence mechanisms, a well-known concept developed by Freud. Defence mechanisms can be described as the minds way of protecting itself from unacceptable or painful thoughts, as well as, conflict from the three personality structures. Freud mentions eleven defence mechanisms: Repression, denial, projection, reaction formation, rationalisation, conversion reaction, phobic avoidance, displacement, regression, isolation and undoing. The two most known defences are: repression the idea that we push undesirable thoughts, feelings and impulses from our conscious mind into our unconscious in order to shield ourselves from pain and protect our self-esteem. In other words Freud saw repression as the Ego and superEGOs way of supressing the ID. Denial is simply when we refuse to face certain situations or realities as we do not find them acceptable. Cramer (1991) states that the boundaries between these two defence mechanisms are often hard to distinguish between (cited in Baumeister, Dale and Sommer Freudian Defence mechanisms and empirical findings in modern social psychology; 1998). The next part of the essay will aim to assess the value of some of Freuds work in contemporary psychology. The concept of personality development is solely based on how libidinal instincts shape us. Maltby, Day and Macaskill (2007), state that Freud does not meet the parsimony criteria in his explanation of the motivational basis of behaviour, Freud implies that sexual and aggressive instincts are the only motivators of human behaviour (Maltby et al., 2007). The psychosexual stages, do not fully explain human behaviour as they are highly reductionist and ignore the complexity of the human mind, as well as, being bias in only emphasising one aspect as the basis of all behaviour, therefore, it can be said that they are of little value to contemporary psychology. Freud also identified problems that may occur as a result of fixation in anyone of the five psychosexual stages. He then developed treatment, known as free association, which would allow the patients to resolve their emotional conflicts, which involved catharsis, where the patients discharged their emotions by speaking freely about anything they want, leading to resolution of these issues. This method has been widely reviewed and is still used in contemporary psychology. Greenberg (2002) concluded that emotional arousal and processing within a supportive therapeutic relationship is the core element for positive change in therapy. He emphasized the cognitive aspect of catharsis and the need to understand and make sense of emotions. (Esta Powell; 2007). Free association is replicable making it reliable and has many applications to contemporary psychology making it valid. Conversely, much of Freuds work on the psychosexual stages was largely based on his interpretations of observations of young children or self-reports of dreams and thoughts. Freud used Little Hans primarily to support his theory of the Oedipus complex (Jennifer Stuart; 2007). Critics contend that Freuds theory is lacking in empirical evidence and relies too heavily on therapeutic achievements, whereas others assert that even Freuds clinical data are flawed, inaccurate, and selective at best (Beystehner; 1998). Thus, the validity of his work is very much in question. As these concepts, such as the psychosexual stages, cannot be operationalized and tested they are not falsifiable and are of little relevance to contemporary research. Many of Freuds theories are simple in a way that they are not comprised of many concepts, for example, his theory on personality structure consists of three clearly definable structures. In this sense his work can be said to be parsimonious and has formed a basis for further research. According to Dangleish and Power (1999) the personality structure purposed by Freud has face validity as we are all aware of anxiety and conflicts in everyday life decision making (as cited in Maltby, Day and Macaskill, Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence; 2007: 34). Face validity implies that there is support for his theory on personality structures, and so this theory can be operationalized and tested to see how personalities coexist within us and data from these tests can have practical applications. Furthermore, Freuds work on defence mechanisms was widely accepted and leads to follow up research, such as that by Brewin and Andrews. After reviewing this area of psychology, Brewin and Andrews (1998) concluded that 20% to 60% of therapy patients who had been victims of sexual abuse in their childhood reported not being able to recall being abused for large periods of time in their lives (cited in Maltby et al., Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence; 2007: 36,37). This shows us that the mind does use methods, such as repression, to protect itself from indecent memories. This shows falsifiability as it is replicable and has practical applications in life which can be used and developed in contemporary psychology. Freuds work is very controversial and has provoked enormous debate, much of which has led to the development of novel ideas in psychology. Not only has his work been expanded upon and developed (e.g. to better treatment of mental patients) but many breakthroughs have been made in trying to disprove his theories. Although many of Freuds theories are subjective and based on his interpretation of dreams and thoughts which cannot be empirically tested, he has made many valuable contributions to psychology. These include the use of defence mechanisms and the idea of personality structures, both of which have supporting evidence from contemporary psychologists, e.g. Brewin and Andrews (1998) work supports the concept of defence mechanisms. As well as this he created clinical practice of psychoanalysis for treating psychopathology, developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and concluded dreams are the primary insight into the unconscious mind. All of these have ha d practical applications and have formed the foundation of contemporary psychology. Thus, I believe that it is potent that Freuds theories and concepts continue to be revised. Referencing: Maltby, J., Day, L Macaskill, A. (2007). Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence (2nd Ed.). London: Prentice Hall Baumeister, R.F., Dale, K. Sommer, K. L. (1998). Freudian Defence mechanisms and empirical findings in modern social psychology: Reaction Formal, Projection, Displacement, Undoing, Isolation, Sublimation and Denial. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Stuart, J. (2007). Little Hans and Freuds Self-Analysis: A Biographical View of Clinical Theory in the Making, 55, (3), 799-819. Beystehner, K. M. (1998). Psychoanalysis: Freuds revolutionary approach to human personality. Retrieved October 22, 2010, from Personality Papers Web site: Powell, E. (2007). Catharsis in Psychology and Beyond: A Historical overview. Visited on October 25, 2010, Web site:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Family Planning Population Policy In India :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  India's population is in peril. Without the implementation of stringent, effective population management policies, the country's population will rise above 2 billion within the next 20 years ( In the absence of control programs, India's ever growing population will lead to increased incidents of famine, disease, environmental stress and result in a severe shortage of housing facilities. However, if the Indian government quickly administers population regulations so that couples have, on average, 2 children by 2001-2006, India's population will stabilize at approximately 1.7 billion ( A drop in both the fertility and birth rates is essential. To achieve this goal, the 5 Year Planning Commission intends to follow the new population control program outlined by India's central government. We intend to explore reasons why family planning is essential, issues concerning the expansion of health care, and also sterilization practices a nd alternatives, proving that our 5-year plan for population management most plausible and logical method to control a rapidly burgeoning population. Family Planning - An Essential for India   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A swiftly growing population does not always seem like a nuisance. An increase in the number of citizens in a country, may for example, signify the improvement in health care, sanitation and a drop in death rates. Developments such as these, naturally lead to an expansion in population. Many areas may easily handle this increase in some areas, but what happens when the population continues to grow at an accelerated pace? The outlook is bleak. Uncontrolled population growth will lead to difficulties regarding food, environmental stress, health and housing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Food shortages are commonly a symptom of high population growth rates, and as such, India is steadily losing the capacity to feed itself. Despite improvements in agricultural productivity, India's population continues to grow at a faster rate than the countrie's agriculture can support. The maximum efforts toward increasing agricultural output are just enough to meet the needs of the existing population, not for the additional population added each year (Mathur, 1995, 127). As a result, more than half of India is malnourished, and thousands are suffering from starvation (Mathur, 1995, 100). The solution to this situation is to seek out ways to decrease population growth, and maintain high yield agricultural production.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The desperate need for food has significant impacts on the environment. The soil can only produce so many yields before it becomes depleted and unproductive. In India, the soils are being stripped of their nutrients too quickly, thus speeding up environmental degradation and lowering crop yields. Family Planning Population Policy In India :: essays research papers fc   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  India's population is in peril. Without the implementation of stringent, effective population management policies, the country's population will rise above 2 billion within the next 20 years ( In the absence of control programs, India's ever growing population will lead to increased incidents of famine, disease, environmental stress and result in a severe shortage of housing facilities. However, if the Indian government quickly administers population regulations so that couples have, on average, 2 children by 2001-2006, India's population will stabilize at approximately 1.7 billion ( A drop in both the fertility and birth rates is essential. To achieve this goal, the 5 Year Planning Commission intends to follow the new population control program outlined by India's central government. We intend to explore reasons why family planning is essential, issues concerning the expansion of health care, and also sterilization practices a nd alternatives, proving that our 5-year plan for population management most plausible and logical method to control a rapidly burgeoning population. Family Planning - An Essential for India   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A swiftly growing population does not always seem like a nuisance. An increase in the number of citizens in a country, may for example, signify the improvement in health care, sanitation and a drop in death rates. Developments such as these, naturally lead to an expansion in population. Many areas may easily handle this increase in some areas, but what happens when the population continues to grow at an accelerated pace? The outlook is bleak. Uncontrolled population growth will lead to difficulties regarding food, environmental stress, health and housing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Food shortages are commonly a symptom of high population growth rates, and as such, India is steadily losing the capacity to feed itself. Despite improvements in agricultural productivity, India's population continues to grow at a faster rate than the countrie's agriculture can support. The maximum efforts toward increasing agricultural output are just enough to meet the needs of the existing population, not for the additional population added each year (Mathur, 1995, 127). As a result, more than half of India is malnourished, and thousands are suffering from starvation (Mathur, 1995, 100). The solution to this situation is to seek out ways to decrease population growth, and maintain high yield agricultural production.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The desperate need for food has significant impacts on the environment. The soil can only produce so many yields before it becomes depleted and unproductive. In India, the soils are being stripped of their nutrients too quickly, thus speeding up environmental degradation and lowering crop yields.

Nervous System :: essays research papers

Nervous System The two types of the nervous system are the Central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. They are responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating Sensory data and motor commands the central nervous system, which interprets sensory input and carry information to maintain homeostasis. CNS canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be regenerate because a CNS consists of the spinal cord that mean if ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s break the spinal cord is break also. The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves that branch from the brain and spinal cord. It is a thick bundle of nerve fibers located within the spinal cord. The PNS can be regenerate and it will regrow. The brain and spinal cord are the main parts of the nervous system. The brain controls every part of your body and is located top of our head inside our skull. The spinal cord with controls our movement. Nerve cells contain 3 parts: dendrites, cell body and the axon. Dendrite is the receiving part of the neuron. It is a short extension of the cell body And send signals toward the cell body and the cell body conducts nerve impulses which in the transmission of the nerve impulses from the region to the other cell. The axon is a single extension carries the message to the next neuron, which controls all of the nerves. The nerve impulse is response of the neuron. There are 3 classes of neurons: sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons. Neurons are also called nerve cells. A sensory neuron takes information from a receptor to the CNS. A motor neuron takes information away from the CNS. An interneuron transfer information between neurons in the CNS. It also sending out signal to the muscles resulting in contraction or movement. Nerves impulse occurs when an action potential changes rapidly. When action potential occurs, the sodium gates will open as Na+ flowing into the axon the changes from à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"65mV to +40mV, this is call depolarization and during repolarization the charge as k+exits the axon from +40 mV to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"65mV.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

The beauty halo effect is the principle that people with good looking are going to have a better life. According to the beauty halo effect, attractive people are automatically attributed with more qualities than unattractive people, they are attributed a notion of talent and are considered as more socially attractable and desirable. This paper is going to define more precisely what the beauty halo effect is. Then it will define what impression formation is and how the attractiveness halo effect can affect the first impression. Finally it will briefly explain what impression management, and finally explain the role of the beauty halo effect in impression formation and management. The beauty halo effect has become a strong phenomenon in social psychology nowadays. The beauty halo effect can also be called â€Å"the physical attractiveness† stereotype and the â€Å"what is beautiful is good† principle (Lewis-Beck, Bryman and Liao, 2004). The halo effect makes reference to the tendency of people to better rate attractive people for their personality traits than the individuals that are qualified less attractive (Lewis-Beck, Bryman and Liao, 2004). The psychologist Edward Thorndike first wrote about the halo effect phenomenon in his paper The Constant Error in Psychological Ratings in 1920. He noticed in his work that â€Å"ratings were apparently affected by the tendency to think of a person in general as rather good or rather inferior and to color the judgments of the qualities by this general feelings† (Lachman and Bass, 2001). The halo effects explain the fact that early aspects influence the interpretation of later aspects (Forgas, 2011) . Since the first definition of the halo effects made by Thorndike in 1920, this concept has been the subject... ...mpression that others create on them, that is why in order to reach their wanted outcomes individuals will manage their presentation. In any interaction they have with others, people are concerned with they way they are perceived by the other persons (Leary and Allen, 2011). When people want to make a positive first impression they automatically tend to present the aspects of their personality that are the most in accordance with the image they want to provide of themselves (Leary and Allen, 2011). For instance, if a woman has a meeting with her male boss, she may manage her image to look serious, friendly, gentle, humorous and attractive in order to be perceived as competent, hard worker and responsible by her male boss (Leary and Allen, 2011). As beauty halo effect influence a lot the impression formation, it also considerably influences the impression management.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Kizza, Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age Essay

CS 300 Week 2 Kizza Chapter 4 – Ethics and the Professions pages 65 to 96 Kizza, Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age, 3rd. Edition, ISBN 978-1-84628-658-2. |Chapter Number and Title: 3 Ethics and the Professions | |Your Name: Brent Robles | |Today’s date: 02NOV09 | |Briefly state the main idea of this chapter. | |A continued discussion of ethics in a professional atmosphere. | |2. List three important facts that the author uses to support the main idea: | |The four themes discussed are evolution of professions, the making of an ethical professional, and the professional decisions making process, | |and professionalism and ethical responsibilities. | |3. What information or ideas discussed in this chapter are also discussed in readings from DePalma? List the Unit and Title(s) of the reading:| |De Palma – Reading #10 – Dilberts of the World, Unite! | |This article discusses how fast the white collar sector is growing and some of the issues involved. Microsoft is discussed in great detail on | |the treatment of their contracted employees. When it came to wages they were considered to be high-level computer professionals, thus not | |entitled to overtime pay. When it came to benefits, they were treated as temps unworthy of healthcare  coverage and stock options. So some | |individuals got together and worked to organize the workers. The article also talks about Microsoft hiring immigrant workers in the same | |positions as Americans and paying them considerably less. The unions worked with congress to oppose Bill Gates request for immigrant visas to | |be extended. There will always be a fight with these companies when trying to keep them hiring Americans. They are just trying to ensure that | |they can maximize profits. I chose this article because it discusses morals in hiring and paying white collar workers. I believe that it had | |ethical issues when dealing with professional issues like equal pay and benefits for immigrants. | |4. List and briefly discuss one of the questions at the end of the chapter. | |Are whistle blowers saints or blackmailers? I think that society has turned a saint into a blackmailer. By this I mean because of the fear of | |reprisal a whistle blower has to keep his mouth shut. But when he doesn’t he is considered to be a disgruntled employee and is trying to | |blackmail his supervision. It is hard to get issue resolved when dealing with a uncooperative management team, that is why employees have | |rights and protections, however there are only a few companies that protect the whistle blower, that is why when the whistle is blown the | |individual is considered to be a problem worker. | |5. List any examples of bias or faulty reasoning that you found in the chapter: Section 4.4.3 discusses guilt and making ethical decisions. | |On page 87 he explains actions that people experiencing guilt will go through. I think that this is a biased or faulty reasoning because not | |everyone goes through this process. I know that this article is a generalization, but there are people in society that make their decisions | |and move on with no remorse or guilt. The statement that guilt causes decision makers to agonize over decisions I think is only true for a | |select few individuals. Those individuals that are affected have to have some integrity and solid values. | |6. List any new terms/concepts that were discussed in the article, and write a short definition: | |Utilitarian – where decisions are made solely on the basis of their intended outcomes or consequences. | |Rights – where decisions are made based on the set of liberties the society enforces such as the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. | |Justice – which decisions are made so that they are fair, impartial, and equitable to all. |

Friday, August 16, 2019

Crime Rate in Centervale Essay

If one was to compare the crime in Centervale to that of Alaska or Alabama it would be clear that Centervale has the highest crime total. If one was to compare the crime rate it would be clear that Alabama has in fact the highest crime rate with Alaska and then Centervale sitting very close in numbers. Alabama has the highest population and Alaska has the lowest, but this would mean that Alabama would not be the safest place to live. In fact an individual would want to live in either Alaska or Centervale. Centervale has a lower aggravated assault rate than that of Alaska, but Alaska has a lower robbery rate that that of both Centervale and Alabama. When looking for a new place to locate its always a great decision to check out how a city, county, suburb, or state hold up against that of other similar places when it comes to crime. No one wants to live in a place where they are afraid to leave their homes. When looking at the actually numbers Centervale is the highest followed by Alabama and then Alaska, but if an individual was to look at the crime rate then it would appear that Alaska has the highest followed by Alabama and then Centervale, but both Alabama and Centervale are very close in rate percentage. Alaska has a problem with alcohol related crimes, whereas in other locations in the United States drugs and alcohol are secondary to the crime. Information Importance This kind of information is important due to the growing concern that most individuals and families have about the crime not only in their local neighborhoods, but also in places that they may be considering locating too. It’s also important to find out what programs are in place to keep the crime rate reduced. Each neighborhood has some sort of program in place to help keep children and adolescents occupied so they are less likely to go out and commit a crime, but crime doesn’t always involve children and adolescents. Crime can and is often committed by adults. Read more:  India Crime Rate Most communities have an early childhood development program in place. It’s been stated by Paul Leighton (2007), that children enrolled in this program have â€Å"half as many criminal arrests, less likelihood of going to jail, higher earnings and property wealth, and a greater commitment to family†. There are also drug treatment, recreation, gang- prevention, education, special curricula, job training, and the labor market (Leighton, 2007). When moving to a new community an individual can call around to find what programs have been put into place to reduce the crime rate and what else can be done to help reduce the crime. Parents with small children wish to make sure that they are bringing their children to a safe environment with programs set in place to help the children and adolescents occupied after school. Definitions of Crime Crime is defined as â€Å"the act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law† (Merriam-Webster, 2013). Alabama and Alaska differ when it comes to crime punishment. Alaska abolished its capital punishment in 1957, but has since then tried to reintroduce it to no avail. Alabama on the other hand does have capital punishment and certain crimes can lead to the death penalty. These crimes are capital murder charges, rape, robbery, and burglary. Alaska imprisons their convicted criminals for either short period of times to life. In both states children and adolescents are charged as juveniles unless found to have committed an adult crime such as murder (non-accidental), robbery that ends up with loss of life or assault or rape. Rape charges can be difficult to try depending on the age of the child or adolescents and how much understanding of the charges and their understanding of right and wrong. Charging children in an adult court can be difficult to do since their understanding and reasoning is far different and underdeveloped than that of an adult. Recommendations Recommendations to help reduce the crime rate would to beef up the police and special crime units to help get a grasp on the crime in the state. Have better programs put into place within the prisons/jails. This will give a positive opportunity and outlet for the prisoners so they will not wish to reoffend. Allow employers that wish to hire ex-convicts the opportunity to sit down with the convict prior to their release. This will give the individual something positive to look forward to and a better outlook on life. Have programs set up for ex-cons along with programs set up for those who may need a positive outlet. Ex-cons need the structure to help them adapt better to outside life than to be just â€Å"dumped† on the streets after their sentence with the hopes of not reoffending. Many individuals feel they have nothing â€Å"outside† so why even try. In many cases this is true, the individuals family and or friends have given up on them or they have a difficult time finding a job, so they do what they believe is the only thing left and this causes them to reoffend. Conclusion In conclusion crime is a scary thing for any family or individual, but with careful consideration and knowing the facts needed one can make the correct decision. Many criminals that are within the prison/jail system are those who have reoffended, but due to the unknown these individuals tend to end back up within the system. Families and friends of those ex-cons need to be there for the individual for emotional support. Those who don’t have the proper support feel alone and often believe they need to be back where they were. References Crime in the United States. U.S. Department of Justice (2009). Retrieved from What Every American Should Know About the Criminal Justice System. Leighton, Paul (2007). Stop Violence. Retrieved from Merriam-Webster. Crime (2013). Retrieved from

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Creation of Writing

Mr.. Orwell uses symbolism in his book as a place holder for tying In other thing In the book, which would be irony and relevancy. Mr.. Orwell deals with the Idea of truth. On page 81 of 1984, it states, â€Å"Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall toward the earth's center†¦.. Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. † Orwell explains that truth exists especially when it Is right in front of you. In the article, Truth and freedom In Rowel's 1984, David Dawn, the author, says â€Å"..Truth is the way our statements correspond with the world. This really Justifies why truth in Rowel's book is so important. Truth is one of the reasons why Winston tries to stay sane throughout the book. Orwell also symbolizes objects In the way they are portrayed. One of the other characters, Julia, was a symbol of being a rebel with a cause, and gluing you more than what meets the eye. On page 31 of 1984, it says â€Å"†¦ Thought Police could all be swept into nothingness by a single splendid movement of the arm. That too was a gesture belonging to the ancient time.This really gives you the proof that Cilia's odd Is precious and meaner something to Winston In the article, Dissent, Assent, and the body of Nineteen-eighty four, Naomi Jacobs writes the importance of Cilia's body.. It states, â€Å"To imagine the removal of clothing, and the revelation of the hidden body as having such political power†¦ † This tells you that Orwell does a tremendous Job with focusing on one object and having It mean multiple things. Orwell Is an excellent writer because he uses symbolism as a focus point for his book in telling this story. Orwell also stresses the importance of relevancy our modern world.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Case Study: National Bank of Kuwait

Opting for exempt CHI will reduce the legal requirements to the minimum. Central Bank of Bahrain) According to the CAB, the initial capital required should comprise of: At least two real estate properties constituting 80% of the initial investment At most 20% of the initial Investment should be Invested in development and other activities. Additionally, the CAB requires that the amount of equity capital be at least 40% of the total value. All of the legal requirements as stated above require N.B. to provide substantial funding at the onset of the Joint venture.There are many options available: N.B. may elect to form a separate SSP to raise levered capital required as equity in he CHI. N.B. may invest in the CHI formation from unrestricted investments. N.B. can raise equity of unrestricted investment account holders using Muskrat instruments under the banks name. I opt for the second option, given that the fund type is an open-type fund and N.B. can subsequently raise capital as neede d without limitations as to the number of shares.Further, in order to comply with Shari, N.B. must ensure that: The fund does not disburse or receive fixed payments based on principal (interest). All payments and receipts should be be either in the form of profit shares – or striations thereof; or fee based flows. Profit sharing ratios and fee structures should be according to contractual agreements made before the formation of the fund to avoid gharry. The agreement should include no clause limiting the exposure of the bank to losses in contradiction to the stipulations of Shari without adequate Justification (e. . Limiting the exposure to loss for Arab al mall in a Muhammad contract without a valid justification which may be, for instance, gross misconduct by the midrib in breach of the contract resulting in the loss). To sum up, I suggest that N.B. raises funds through equity of unrestricted investment account holders using Muskrat instrument under the name of the Bank to purchase the assets needed to set up a collective investment undertaking according to the stipulations of the CAB. 2) How N.B. can raise Shari-compliant funds in excess of initial capital for financing of specific real estate projects. After formation of the fund, N.B. will have to enter into joint venture agreements with real estate developers. This will require further financing as the portfolio will require investments for developing real estate assets in arioso countries in excess of the initial investment amount. Islamic finance provides many options for raising capital for such purposes, but two option are the most used: Muskrat and Muhammad.Muskrat, basically, is a partnership where all parties provide finance and share profits according to predetermined arrangements. Management arrangements may differ according to the stipulation of contracts so does the management fees. Muhammad is a special type of partnership that involves a financier (Arab al mall) and an entrepreneur (m idrib) whereby the undertaking is financed by the Arab al mall in turn for a profit or loss share and the midrib provides the actual work and technical expertise and receives a share of the profit.It is worth mentioning that the Midrib does not share losses. The solution to Nab's case is a two-tier financing agreement. There will be a Muhammad contract with the developer whereby the bank is Arab al mall and the developer is the midrib. There will also be a Muhammad contract between the bank and the bank and investors whereby the bank is the midrib and the investors are ABA al mall. The reason why Muskrat was not used is that, in common with investment funds, the manager does not share losses with investors.The common practice is to charge fixed management and other fees and charge commission on profits which is compatible with the Islamic instrument of Muhammad. This strategy better matches the inflows and outflows for N.B. as they will only act as intermediaries between investors a nd developers and will minimize exposure to loss. The income for the fund will be in the form of: Fee income from investors Share of profit from the sale or rent of properties less developers shareThis kind of arrangement is common with Islamic banks when finance is not readily available internally Malden) However, the bank can also limit its risk exposure by taking a deposit from the developer in the form of Muskrat contract whereby the bank will be able to share some of the risk with the developers. This sharing of risk will solve the agency Muskrat partnerships that for their own interest, thus increasing efficiencies in their part of the Job as their net compensation will not contain a fixed minimum but can also extend to loss to a certain extent depending on the amount of the Muskrat contract.

Non Humans and Graphics‏ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Non Humans and Graphics† - Essay Example Which is vry tru. Howvr it is anothr mattr that natural slction and cultural slction, that will ultimatly dcid on th "popularity" of an art don't function in th sam way. Anyhow How can w rmov th cultural bias or th human bias that w hav in our art forms .Answrs in Artificial Lif: Artificial lif may b dfind as "A fild of study dvotd to undrstanding lif by attmpting to driv gnral thoris undrlying biological phnomna, and rcrating ths dynamics in othr physical mdia - such as computrs - making thm accssibl to nw kinds of xprimntal manipulation and tsting. This scintific rsarch links biology and computr scinc."1 Most of th A-Lif simulations today can not b considrd truly aliv, as thy still can not show som proprtis of truly aliv systms and also that thy hav considrabl human bias in dsign. Howvr thr ar two viws that hav xistd on th whol ida of Artificial Lif and th xtnt it can go. Strong A-Lif is xactly th rvrs. John Von Numann onc rmarkd "lif is a procss which can b abstractd away from any particular mdium". In rcnt tims cologist Tom Ray dclard that his computr simulation Tirra was not a simulation of lif but a synthsis of lif. In Tirra, computr programms compt for CPU tim and accss to th main mmory. Ths programs ar also volvabl, can rplicat, mutat and rcombin. . . Today graphic dsign is rcognizd through th mass production of publications, advrtising, and printd litratur, but during th Mdival and Rnaissanc Tims, graphic dsign was still at its roots. DurinG th lat5600S it5was m@nUsCripps tha showd5arlY Hints5of gap)c drign and tipogPa0hic ,mNtc, but baaus of th% Prgd%ctign and5b2atO2 of th xt, th5manuscri0ts wr still v2y5duah cNnsi$rd an art. n o"dr5to undrstand this possibility it is ncssary to look at th procss in which manuscripts and othr publications wr cratd from 680-1500 C, how w distinguish graphic dsign, how w distinguish art, and how w undrstand thm as two compltly diffrnt forms of xprssion and communication. 2 In ordr to undrstand it's plac during th Mdival and Rnaissanc tims, it is important to undrstand what w dfin as graphic dsign and what w dfin as art. Rfrring to Malcolm Barnard's svral points in Grapic Dsign as Coemunication, graphic dsign is a unitrsally visual languag that can b mass producd and clarly communicats an ida, product, oC campaign in a "'forthright' and 'plain' fashion" (Barnard 163). Art on th othr hand is supposd to b th xact opposit; not univrsal, basd on intrprtation, cratd as a product of and by th xprssion of th artist (not a clint), and ambiguous. With ths dfinitions said, it is important to now discuss graphic dsign and art's plac during th Mdival and naissanc Tims. Starting in th lat 600s,5manusCrIpts wr prodUcd by monks or Fujs and wr eaD iThr "y ! 3ingl5artist or a5group. At5this Ti,, any f/rm of tXt that5was cratd was dmN5bx (and. This wittn languag5cAf graphically B cAtgorizd as Fodhic, And mor spciFicalli th5f/Ft Styl can5b rfRrd5to as sCriPtoRi5m Du to tH fact5tha5svral or oN

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Science and Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Science and Ethics - Essay Example What are the pros and cons of genetic testing and gene therapy Are there dangers in genetic research that we should be aware of Will the human genome project ultimately benefit us How or why not Should we be allowed to alter the gene pool of populations What ethical issues are involved and where do you stand on these issues. How would you answer people who say, "I reject the possibility of evolution because evolution is only a theory; it's not a proven scientific fact" Why have disease organisms evolved Why do human diseases continue to exist Shouldn't they be eliminated by now according to Darwin's survival of the fittest What is the "population explosion" Does the United States or your home country need to be concerned about the impact of overpopulation Can we diminish population growth and its impact How Should we use these technologies to control the birth rate What are the cultural and ethical issues related to population control methods Every society has its moral codes and values. These moral codes are called ethics. They help society to differentiate between right and wrong. These moral rules should be implemented in every walk of life. They can not be ignored in certain special cases. It is quite important to consider ethical values, rights and wrongs in the field of Science as well. There should be certain limitations for conducting scientific experiments and testing. ... ed to be concerned about the impact of overpopulation Can we diminish population growth and its impact How Should we use these technologies to control the birth rate What are the cultural and ethical issues related to population control methods Assignment 7 Discussion: Issues of Sociobiology Why should humans be interested in the social behavior of animals Are animal studies relevant at all to the study of human behaviors Please elaborate on your position on this topic Assignment 1 Discussion of Biology: Science and Ethics Every society has its moral codes and values. These moral codes are called ethics. They help society to differentiate between right and wrong. These moral rules should be implemented in every walk of life. They can not be ignored in certain special cases. It is quite important to consider ethical values, rights and wrongs in the field of Science as well. There should be certain limitations for conducting scientific experiments and testing. There is a continuous debate going on in the modern societies about the limitations of scientific experimentation and testing. But everybody agrees that ethical values can not be ignored in science. As far as classification of moral codes is concerned they can be classified into two major categories according to consequences considerations. These two categories are Deontological ethics and Utilitarian ethics. In first category the validity of any action are judged according to religious teachings and rights and entitlements of various entities without considering the consequences. Whereas in second category validity is judged according to implications and consequences of any action. Scientists have to make certain ethical decision for experimentation and testing. Most of the decisions are made according

Monday, August 12, 2019

Lactating female Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lactating female - Essay Example While that the generation of milk depends on hormones, the quality of link depends on the diet a lactating mother should follow. The diet of lactating female should be wholesome, because she has to restore her forces and health. The day regimen is very important as it is desirable to have breakfast, dinner and supper at the same time every day. If a woman breast-feeds during several months, she produces a huge amount of milk every day- approximately 1 litre. This needs at least 10g of protein, 70g of lactose, 40g of fats, 800 kilocalories a day. In order to continue to generate milk the losses should be recompensed by proper nutrition. Thus, it is necessary to eat and to drink more than usually (Wosje & Kalkwarf, 2004). Food should be tasty and multifarious. The diet should include the products of all groups: milk, meet, porridge, fruits, vegetables, sweets. It is necessary to consume fiber: cracked wheat bread, prune, vegetables. Fiber is very useful, because it helps to evacuate bowels. It is also necessary to take vitamins during lactation. However, the reaction of a child should be carefully supervised. There are special vitamins for pregnant and lactating females (McNeilly, 1997). Lactating mother faces many problems with nutrition as a child may have an allergy to some food, moreover the relatives can give various advices. The most widespread advice is to eat as much as it is possible. Really, the amount of food during lactation should be increased, but the question is what food it should be and what regimen lactating female should follow. It is not very easy to define what to consume and what not to consume. There are many restrictions for lactating mothers, but inspire of them it is possible to have an adequate diet and not to refuse to eat anything tasty. The ideal nutrition for lactating women is to eat often and

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Cultural Homogenisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Cultural Homogenisation - Essay Example Cultural homogenization has resulted due to the mix up cultures where there has been development one culture in the world. It is one of the effects of increased globalization of culture. Cultural homogenization defines the aspect of achieving one culture which is used to as a bench of all other cultures in the world. As the wave of globalization takes on the world, there has been increased mix up of people and in the same way mix up of culture. One of the areas in which people have interacted most is in the area of tourism and hospitality industry. Global tourism has been on the rise in the recent past which has seen the growth of the industry by large margins. Global tourism refers to the aspect of people visiting foreign countries for leisure, business or for other purposes. Most of the people participating in global tourism have been doing so for holidays although in the recent past there has been increased global tourism for other purposes like medical tourism, cultural tourism, business tourism, and others. Hospitality industry has been one of the areas that have enabled global tourism to grow at such rate. Hospitality industry is mainly engaged in provision of service to those who are not in their homes which defined in the context of tourism will mean those who are touring other areas awa y from their homes. This is one of the industries which have been serving diversity in the world as it is involved in serving people of diverse origins. Therefore it is one of the areas that have been able to achieve cultural homogeneity as it employee's people of diverse cultures and also service the same kind of people. Examples of hospital industry are hotels, lodging, lodges, and others. Modernity is an aspect that refers to the modern way of life. The concept of modernity was coined in order to reflect the changing life of the world which was being reflected in many things. But this has been overrun by the post modernity period which is marked by the current wave of globalization and in which the focus has shifted from observing the changes taking place in the world towards achievement of standardized way of doing things in the world. (Carley 1998, p. 43; Castles 1996, p. 81) Background After the Second World War in 1945 there were marked changes in the world. There was increased response to the concept of having one world which was united in solving many problems that the world was facing. There was marked development of modern society since 1945. One way in which the society was coming together was through the formation of the United Nations immediately after the war. This was however a political arrangement of nations. There was systematic development of a modern society which was increasingly becoming responsive to the needs of human life. The society was changing political as we have shown above and also in technology. The market was as well changing as corporation started spreading their wings to foreign countries. There was marked development in the production process. There was marked development of fordism which was mass production and the markets became more open and countries found no need to have closed markets. As a result the concept to post-fordism was later developed with was change in the production process. Post-fordism was based on a model of market production which was dictated by the demands in the market. In his regard, there was less utilization of the house

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The concept of normality in relation to homosexuality Essay

The concept of normality in relation to homosexuality - Essay Example The normality of homosexuality is a debatable issue. During my exploration on this topic, I relied on information from books, scholarly journals, and website sources. Ultimately, the conclusion will establish whether the world is better off without these rigid â€Å"normal† / â€Å"abnormal† labels and why. I base my analysis on an article â€Å"The normality of homosexuality† written by Alicia Mullins and published by The Maine Campus on April 06, 2006. I chose this source because it explains the meaning of heteronormativity in relation to homosexuality. I relied on the article â€Å"Homosexuality: Normality or Abnormality in U.S. Society† written by Nicole Higginbotham and published by Bellevue University on November 21, 2011. This article explains whether homosexuality is normality or an abnormality. I also base my analysis on the article â€Å"Homosexuality is normal so it should not be considered wrong† by Matt Slick and published by CARM. This article addresses the statistics, biology, and evolution of normality in the context of homosexuality. I relied on a 2009 article by Richard Balkin and others in the Journal of Counseling and Development journal. The journal article investigates the relationships between religious identity, sexism, homophobia, and multicultural competence. My analysis also relied on the book â€Å"The Battle for Normality† by G. J. M. van den Aardweg and published by Ignatius Press in 1997. This book offers advice to homosexuality afflicted.

Friday, August 9, 2019

From the streets to the libraries Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

From the streets to the libraries - Assignment Example History is important as it gives the people who relate to it a cultural identity. Among the major cons of this genre is the vulgarity of the language and too much sex and violence. It raises a conflict. Critics challenge the ill manner in which the genre strives to air the message. Vulgar language, sex and violence is purported to impact the readers and giving it a lot of priority erodes morality. It is also not ideal for people of tender ages as it exposes them to graphic sex and violence too soon. Therefore, it does not suit all ages or the conservative people. I support this statement. Basically, Miller means that the only concern is that people read and therefore have the chance to benefit from the lessons. This dismisses the claim of inappropriate ways of delivering the message. Despite having graphical sex, violence or vulgar language, what matters is the conclusion rather that the language, sex or violence. Given the nature of urban lifestyle, it is inevitable to include the inappropriate details. However, using the inappropriate details to deliver a strong message after reading is the main agenda. The authors of this genre get their work published by their own publishing companies that they have started. In addition, the popularity of the genre had persuaded other publishers to accept publishing urban fiction works. The popularity of this genre emerged from increased acceptance by libraries. Librarians began bringing them to the libraries where people would be interested in them (Barnard 1). The popularity of best sellers in this genre increased interest from people. There are lessons from urban fiction. They are not only real and interesting but also have a valid reason for their popularity. This genre proves useful and it deserves the audience it continues to enjoy. By addressing the real issue in the society, this genre keeps people aware at all times. They can live accordingly. It also impacts the

Thursday, August 8, 2019

See Below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

See Below - Essay Example For instance, the department of homeland security views immigrants as source of insecurity. On the other hand, immigration agencies consider immigrants a trade item. Consequently, policymakers and law enforcement agencies view immigrants as an economic burden. These views are related to the objectives or responsibility of each of the stakeholders. For example, stakeholders that are concerned with the country’s planning and policy have to factor the consequence of immigrants in each of their policy. In the process, immigrants will be represented as a deficit. Consequently, facilitators of immigrations such as immigration agencies will view immigrants as part of their trade (Borjas 1095). Such stakeholders will be reluctant in condemning immigration. Evidently, policymakers and law enforcement agencies will consider immigration a source of instability and hence the restriction proposal. Position of immigration stakeholders are common news items. For instance, African immigrants have always been associated with criminal activities. Although these accusations are baseless, they affects immigrants from African countries. Similarly, Chinese immigrants have been accused with economic downfall that is currently being experienced. These allegations criminalize immigration and